Over the years various people and organisations have contributed towards the development of Bala Mandir to its current position. In the past some of the philanthropic organisations based outside of India were the primary donors. On the other hand, Corporate Social Responsibility has increased over the years. Companies under CSR donate in various ways including supporting specific projects as well as supporting the running costs of specific activities. Many individuals have been consistently supporting Bala Mandir over the years including many who prefer to donate in kind and for special occasions.
Some of the institutional contributors who need special mention are:
- Braade Stiftung, a philanthropic foundation based in Denmark which was set up by P-H. Mortensen in 1985-86 after the demise of his wife Gerda Mortensen. PHM was the GM of L&T ECC in Chennai and both he and his wife were closely associated with Bala Mandir from the early 60’s till 1975 when they left India. PHM used to make yearly visits to Bala Mandir till 1993 when he passed away. Since then, the Chairman of Braade Stiftung continues to make yearly visits to Bala Mandir to review the work done and also commit funds for infrastructure development and other on-going support.
- L&T ECC has a long history of association with Bala Mandir and its friendship/ partnership dates back to the early 1960's. In fact, L&T ECC’s involvement stands as a unique example of a "CSR initiative" that started well before the term came into the corporate world and it envelops not just financial support but remarkable personal involvement of its engineers, whose technical expertise has been so spontaneously shared for Bala Mandir’s needs. The personal involvement of PHM was continued by the successive heads of the Company – a continuous flow of commitment and concern.
- Bistand for Barn (Action Children Aid) based in Denmark is another supporter of Bala Mandir. For almost 5 decades they sponsored milk for the children and lent financial support to many infrastructures and building projects in Bala Mandir. Their Chairman and members used to regularly visit Bala Mandir for review.
- Deutsche Welthungerhilfe (DWH) based in West Germany supported Bala Mandir for over 3 decades during which their major contributions included the donation of the Bala Mandir German Hall, a well-defined sponsorship scheme and establishment of a Carpentry Training Centre and equipment for the Electrical trade.
- Saint-Gobain Foundation India has been consistently supporting the educational initiatives of Bala Mandir as well as infrastructural projects. Over the years they have supported the salary of the teachers which enables Bala Mandir to offer free education to the needy section of the society.
- Guru Krupa Foundation based out of New York has been supporting Educational needs (books and supplies) and Nutritious meals for the needy children of Bala Mandir schools since 2021.
- Murugappa Group Foundation was regularly sponsoring vocational trainees and have also extended support for infrastructural projects.
- Sarathy Foundation, USA
Episcopal Church, Troy, Michigan, USA Several individual donors have also supported Bala Mandir with substantial contribution and continue to do so. Many donors visit annually, get involved in the programs and offer suggestions for improvement.