BMRRC – Parenting & Early Childhood Care and Development
Bala Mandir Research & Resource Centre (BMRRC) was established in 1983 to further studies and research on the institutionalised child and enhance stimulation and care beyond purely physical indicators. Since then, as a process of natural growth, the vision was expanded, and its functions have become more elaborate. Today, BMRRC’s work centers on parenting – specifically the psychosocial relationship between the ‘parent’ and the child – and the enhancement of the child’s sense of self, with an emphasis on the rights for child development --
“The Child has a Right to INFORMED PARENTS,
and PARENTS have a Right to Information on Child Development.”
BMRRC is widely recognised by the Government, NGOs and funding agencies as an Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) training and facilitating centre, taking forward positive parenting practices and holistic ECCD programmes to a diverse range of communities including training, capacity building, networking and outreach services in this area. As of April 2017, BMRRC was integrated into its parent body, Bala Mandir and now serves as its unit.
For more information, please visit the BMRRC website